These are my weekly and fortnightly classes and dates of return for 2025.
Monday morning weekly class 9.30am until 12 noon at Mitcham Red Shed, at Mitcham Cultural Village, Mitcham. ** Bookings essential, as this class is usually full unless there is a cancellation. Lesson $32 plus materials if needed.
Thursday morning weekly class and afternoon (fortnightly) 10am until 12.30pm and 1.30pm until 4pm. Mitchell Rd, Chandlers Hill. Lesson $27, plus materials if needed. Vacancies for afternoon class, and if there are cancellations, morning class as well.
Friday 1pm until 3.30pm at Aldinga Community Shed, Aldinga Beach. Lesson $25 plus materials if needed. ** Bookings essential, as usually booked out.
Saturday fortnightly classes at my home studio at Sellicks Beach. 10am until 12.30pm and 1.30pm until 4pm. Lesson $27 plus materials if needed. One vacancy for morning class and afternoon class.
Please contact me to book.