Return of classes 2025

These are my weekly and fortnightly classes and dates of return for 2025.

Monday morning weekly class 9.30am until 12 noon at Mitcham Red Shed, at Mitcham Cultural Village, Mitcham. ** Bookings essential, as this class is usually full unless there is a cancellation. Lesson $32 plus materials if needed.

Thursday morning weekly class and afternoon (fortnightly) 10am until 12.30pm and 1.30pm until 4pm. Mitchell Rd, Chandlers Hill. Lesson $27, plus materials if needed. Vacancies for afternoon class, and if there are cancellations, morning class as well.

Friday 1pm until 3.30pm at Aldinga Community Shed, Aldinga Beach. Lesson $25 plus materials if needed. ** Bookings essential, as usually booked out.

Saturday fortnightly classes at my home studio at Sellicks Beach. 10am until 12.30pm and 1.30pm until 4pm. Lesson $27 plus materials if needed. One vacancy for morning class and afternoon class.

Please contact me to book.