Smalti and Vintage China Leaf on Driftwood Workshop Sunday 22nd March 2020

I am offering a very unique Smalti workshop this coming March. Teaming up with my friend, Beate from Mosaic Bazaar, whom will be selling Orsoni Smalti and Morrasutti Eco Smalti direct from her travelling Orsoni Library! Students will each be supplied with a leaf cut out which has driftwood attached, then Smalti and the option of Vintage China will be attached to the leaf. Each leaf construction will be hand made by myself and each one will be unique. Limited numbers to 10 students, book quickly as already filling up. You will be supplied the leaf/driftwood, and some china will be available. But if you have a preference, or your own to bring along, please do so. On the day, you will be required to purchase your smalti from Mosaic Bazaar, and there will be a huge range to choose from. Such a unique opportunity. Also please bring along a palatte knife, Twin Wheel Glass Cutters, tweezers and your lunch. Morning and afternoon tea will be supplied. COST $150 (a $40 deposit is required to secure your place) Please contact me to book. ONE PLACE AVAILABLE AS AT 1ST DECEMBER.

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