Yours truly, and my friend, Beate Linckelmann, from Mosaic Bazaar, will be conducting a Smalti Workshop on Sunday 3rd February, 10am until 4pm at Aldinga Community Shed, Symonds Reserve, Butterworth Rd, Aldinga Beach. Andamento creates the visual “flow” and direction of your mosaic, using your Smalti in specific patterns. Andamento is the bones of a mosaic, sometimes though, a forgotten afterthought. Such an important part of your mosaic, and in this workshop, you will learn about various forms of “Opus”. This workshop will be suitable for all levels of experience. Beate will be on hand, with her travelling Smalti Library, for which you will be able to choose and purchase Smalti. I will be supplying a 30cm x 30cm board for you to create your mosaic on, and a choice of designs will be available. Also, included, use of adhesives, sundries etc. On the day, as an extra option, for people that may have had previous experience with Smalti, and would like to participate in some routing of Driftwood, power tools will be available for use, in the second workshop in the community shed. BYO your Twin Wheel Glass Cutters, Palette Knife, and also your lunch. Tea, Coffee, morning tea, supplied. Cost for the day $110. Please contact me to book. A $40 deposit is required to secure your place.